How To Plan Your Landscape Budget

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Plan Your Budget Accurately

Your building’s landscape says a lot about your business. It tells your guests and potential clients that you care about your company, you respect the opinion of others, and that you are professional and tidy. No one wants to enter a property with mismatched flowers, dying plants, or overgrown hedges.

budgetTo leave a good impression, the landscape is critical. With budgeting season on the horizon, it’s time to figure out how to budget for the landscape.

Budget for Improvements

Are you considering improvements to your building this year? When it comes to budgeting, do not only include things that come with your regular package or contract. You may need plant replacements or other upgrades. Try to plan for about 20% to 30% on top of your regular expenditures for any improvements that your landscape may need this year.

Budget for Maintenance

Visible, high-profile places require weekly maintenance. If you have one of these buildings, you may need to budget between $10,000 and $30,000 a year. However, if you have a warehouse or a more hidden building, you may require less money to maintain the landscape. Regardless of the type of building you have, you should always have money set aside for maintenance.

Budget With Your Contractor

If you are working on your budget, we want to work with you. After all, we know the elements that affect your overall price. For example, material costs, labor costs, and inclement weather can all affect your estimates. As professionals, we can help you make informed decisions about your budget.

Budget for the Long Term

Your trees and plants may last about ten years. You need to factor in storm damage, disease, and other damaging factors. When you think about your long-term budget, you’ll know whether you have to replace certain trees this year or in the next year’s budget.

When it comes to your landscape budget, you need an accurate estimate. Contact us at Rocky Mountain Custom Landscapes today for more information on how to maintain your commercial landscaping project!